A Message from Kelvin: Thank You!

A Message from Kelvin: Thank You!

2013 has been a rollercoaster ride all the way. It has been filled with more highs than lows thanks to all my loyal fans. It has been an absolute honour to keep the South African flag flying on top of an International podium. I have had so many great experiences including seeing snow for the very first time and I have made so many great friends along the way.

In the middle of the season, we launched the “Fighting for a Dream” campaign which was one of the highlights of my season because it showed me how many people were supporting my efforts Internationally and it showed that despite a tough economy, everyone helped where they could to help me take another step closer to my dream. It was such a humbling experience and I can only thank everyone who made it possible.

Apart from those who got involved in the “Fighting for a Dream” campaign, there were thousands of others cheering from their living rooms around South Africa and even around the world, and for that I am also extremely grateful. 2013 truly was a team effort, and by no means can I  take all of the credit.

With hard work and dedication, 2014 will be even better.

I would like to wish everyone a blessed Holiday, Christmas and New Year, share it with those closest to you, and most importantly, BE SAFE!

See you all in 2014


Best Wishes


1 thought on “A Message from Kelvin: Thank You!”

  • It’s been my privilege and pleasure to journey with you along the way. You have done yourself, your family, your friends and your country proud. Continue to be true and strong for the challenges ahead.

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